January 24, 2011

Phil Felten

"Happy 60th Birthday Tim!  From when I first met you I felt connected like a blood brother.  From our early times of fun in the 316 S.Penn outdoor pool, to kicking each other under the table during family share times, to you being my best man in my wedding, to multiple games of hearts, to deer hunting together, to times of exhilaration and fear being pulled behind your boat,  to times of shared Faith and Family, to shared tears after the Home-going of your mom and dad, to shuffleboarding together in Englewood and shared "kitchen" duties to now - I am so blessed to have built memories with you that will last forever!

You are a real man that I so respect and enjoy being around.  And, especially, you are a real man of God - not afraid of being tender or touched by the Father when HE speaks to your heart.  I often hear men speak of other men in military terms and about you I will draw the parallel in my life that YOU are the type of man I would be willing to go into battle with or share a foxhole with.  Your conscientious spirit, your loyalty, your love of family, great humor and insight and love for God are inspirational to me. 

On the humor side of the ledger, the memories are too numerous to list or even recall, but a few highlights are:  your spot-on imitations of others' actions and voices such as the airline agent who kept saying:  "YES, I cannot help you Mr. Bowden."  Priceless.  The confrontation with the grump in the Englewood bathroom who you had to give the option to of depositing him on his posterior.  (My wording!)  The constant humorous banter when playing games is a quality you have that is much sought after among all the relatives.  Quite honestly, I would guess that among the siblings and all the kids, Tim/Uncle Tim would be the favorite opponent to play any game with because of the humor brought to the table.  And the most fun for me is the after incident recollections we both share and differ in our renditions of when discussing our deer hunting together (who saw what first), playing shuffleboard (who is the real chef) .......and the list goes on!

Suffice it to say, my brother, that you have been and will remain one of the joys and bright spots in my life when I think about you or am with you.  Best of all, I get to share eternity with you where the laughter and JOY never ends.  Keep looking UP Tim - you are one of the good guys.  Have a great 60th celebration!

I love you my Brother!
