We’ve shared so many years and too many tales to wrap up in one small note, so I’ll just keep this short. We’ve had a lot of fun; I think because the shared motto has always been, “You have to create your own excitement.” How true that is and I can’t think of a time we’ve been together when we were bored.
For example, as small kids while we were supposed to be sitting quietly in church we each drew pictures of women’s hats for each other to guess who was wearing it. Then we would laugh. Some of those hats were pretty funny. When there was nothing to do at home, there was always a lawn mower engine to tear apart, sand the carbon off the piston and put back together. Then, we grew older and decided it was time to dig a pool, and since digging was boring we spiced things up a bit by strapping a Harley Sprint to a wheelbarrow and pulled loads of dirt up a plank to be dumped. You, of course, always rode the Harley while I steered the wheelbarrow. But when the pool was done mere swimming wasn’t enough so we decided we could use the Kirby as an air pump and send air to the bottom of the pool through a garden hose so we could see who could stay under the water the longest. I don’t remember what the record was, but I do remember sitting at the bottom of the pool handing the “air hose” back and forth so we could breathe.
Then there was high school…and then Perry…and then the proving grounds. How many people have played Pente on a cutting board with washers? Or farted in a jar and talked people into guessing what was last in it? I could go on but won’t.
I guess the point to all of this is that you always make life fun and for that I thank you. Have a fantastic birthday. I love you.