January 13, 2011

Amy Covert

Happy Birthday to my one and only Mr. Bowden aka MacGyver:) Praise the Lord for bringing you to this day. God has blessed us with you and I am thankful. 

Can you believe that I love to tube now? I'm sure you remember when I was so apprehensive on the boat! Alli had to drag me on a tube and I would have my thumb down and she would be putting hers up for you to go faster!:) Haha! Boy how things change. 

I pray on this 60th birthday you will feel God's presence surround you amid the possible chaos all of us face on a daily basis. I pray that He pour out His Spirit on you and that you will truly sense His love and unwaivering affection toward you. You are loved by many and most importantly I want you to know you are loved by me. Happy Birthday this year, and for many years to come.
