January 29, 2011

Joe Toth


You are an example of everything good in a man. 

Congratulations, you've made it this far. 

Don't forget to spoil those grandchildren rotten! That's what grandfathers are for!


Helen Chaffee

I don't know if Webster has invented a word that would describe the birthday boy.  Always willing to help out, even at his own inconvenience. I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates that in him.
A gentle man, gentleman, friendly, helpful, and I so appreciated his testimony at the car window in your driveway. 
I pray God's blessing to overwhelm him on his 60th (?) birthday.  WOW!  that seems a long way away to me!  But I remember when I WAS 60!
I must say Tim has good taste.  Take a look at YOU, Tracy.
Blessings of love,
Helen L. Chaffee
(The one that is still alive)

Cathy Bytwerk

Happy Birthday Tim! 

Denny and I hope you had a terrific day of celebration.  As we have thought through our life with you, words such as kind, respectful, loving, and pure of heart come to mind.  You have demonstrated those qualities with your family, friends, and those in need all through your life.  What a blessing you have been to so many.

You have been a wonderful cousin to spend time with.  I remember many times at Grandma's house when we and our siblings would find a flashlight and darken a room so that we could make scary faces to each other while the adults talked.  We even found time to make some prank phone calls and ask, "Is your refrigerator running?  You better catch it!"  CLICK!  Ha, ha, ha.

As far as our cousin relationship goes, you and I seemed to be a pair because we were close in age, which is why I think Wanda Bowman Richards picked you and I to be flower girl and ring bearer at her wedding.  I don't remember much about the day but it would appear from the picture that I was enjoying the day more than you .

Cathy & Tim in Wanda's Wedding
We pray that God bless you above all that you can ask or think in the days ahead.

Denny and Cathy

January 27, 2011

Mike & Sheri Rambo

Tim--Happy 60th birthday! So grateful to the Lord that He has brought our paths together. We've enjoyed getting to know you better in recent months. Looking forward to more breakfasts together. Privileged to call you friend. May this day be the best ever and may the upcoming year be one filled with the Lord's blessings. =) 

The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. Psalm 147:11

Have a WONDERFUL day celebrating YOU!!!

Mike and Sheri Rambo

January 26, 2011

Matt Shaw


Happy momentous birthday!  (Though a hazy distant memory, I faintly remember when my father-in-law turned 60, and what a special milestone it was.)

I'm very thankful that I'm part of your family.  I love and appreciate your quiet strength and generous nature.  Ever since first being adopted (via marriage) by the Bowden clan, I've been drawn to you and look forward to every occasion when we'll share the same room or home.  I'm smiling as I write this, just thinking of fun times past.  I so appreciate your optimism, sense of humor and easy-going hospitality.

Though already mentioned, one of your qualities that really stands out to me is your strength of character and resolve. I see you as a rock, someone to have at my side in a battle...faithful, consistent and unwavering.  Thanks for being you!

Much love,


Lisa Whitney


You are, without a doubt, an awesome addition to our family.  I have known you since I was a very young girl, tagging along with her big sister over to the Bowden's house many times.  You have been a tender, caring, faithful, and loving brother-in-law.  You have graced our family get-togethers with your quick wit and lots of laughter. 

How I admire the way you love your family.  You clearly adore Tracy and each one of your beautiful children.  I have watched over the years the way that they have learned to love others as a result of your example.  You have expressed your faith in Christ and love for our Lord in countless ways - you are always willing to pitch in, lend a hand, give of your time, include others, and offer a listening ear. 

Thank you for being you!  Happy Happy 60th!!

Much love,


Andrew Bowden - Son


I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for you.  Any time i ever needed anything you have been there.  When I needed help with car problems, projects on the house or any questions I had, you were there.  I have had the privilege of learning from you how to live my life, always putting others first, being servant-hearted and loving.  

I remember you plowing all the neighbors' driveways, mowing their lawns, fixing their cars or whatever else needed to be fixed.  You would never charge anyone or even tell them it was you who did it, but I remember the neighbors coming over to thank you for it.  They just knew it was you.  You have also taught me how to be a good husband and a dad, which are attributes I will be putting to use soon.

I am so thankful for all the help with the house.  I couldn't have done it without you.  You just know how to do everything that needs to be done. everything from electrical, drywall, taking down and building new chimneys, and the dreaded plumbing we've had to do.  Even if it's something I didn't know whether you knew how to do, you always found a way to fix it, or build it, or make it happen.  If I never got anything back from all the work we put into it, or never made any profit, it would have been worth it for all the time we got to spend together and the experiences we had.


I look forward to many more years of experiences and spending time with you!  I love you more than I can ever say!

Happy Birthday, Dad


January 25, 2011

Matthew Whitney - Nephew

Happy 60th Uncle Tim!!! 

Thank you for all the times we went out on the lake, and came over to play with the kids. I've had so many great memories at your place and when you've been around. One of my favorite times I spent with you guys was when I rode out with you, Aunt Tracy and the boys to visit Kate and Josh in the summer of 2006. That looooong drive through the corn fields of Iowa and the mountains in Colorado was a great time. Seeing new sites, having fun conversations watching movies and playing Xbox in the back seat were all great times. I'm sure you'll never forget that tire on the trailer we were towing. Haha I couldn't believe it stayed on there as long as it did -- I'm just glad we made it there safely and no one got hurt. I had such a great time out there, fixing the car-port roof, sitting by the fire, hiking and going to the top of Pike's Peak. It is so beautiful out there, and I'm really happy I had the opportunity to experience it with you and the fam.

Matt took this picture of granddaughter Elena on the Cog Railroad up to Pike's Peak

I love you! Happy birthday!!! - Matt

Nancy Parker


Tim, I remember when you taught me how to drive a stick shift. I don't remember what kind of car it was (or if it was ever the same afterwards -- hehe), but you were so patient and encouraging. I did get the hang of it and it was fun! 

Enjoy your celebration and many wonderful memories! 

Love from your cousin, Nancy

Anthony & Kristina Sheerin

Tim, you have always been a great friend to us.  Always willing to help in our time of need!!  Always friendly and never grouchy......not that we see anyway ;-).  
Love you Tim and Happy Birthday!!!

Anthony & Kristina

Phil Bowden - Brother


We’ve shared so many years and too many tales to wrap up in one small note, so I’ll just keep this short. We’ve had a lot of fun; I think because the shared motto has always been, “You have to create your own excitement.” How true that is and I can’t think of a time we’ve been together when we were bored.

For example, as small kids while we were supposed to be sitting quietly in church we each drew pictures of women’s hats for each other to guess who was wearing it. Then we would laugh. Some of those hats were pretty funny. When there was nothing to do at home, there was always a lawn mower engine to tear apart, sand the carbon off the piston and put back together. Then, we grew older and decided it was time to dig a pool, and since digging was boring we spiced things up a bit by strapping a Harley Sprint to a wheelbarrow and pulled loads of dirt up a plank to be dumped. You, of course, always rode the Harley while I steered the wheelbarrow. But when the pool was done mere swimming wasn’t enough so we decided we could use the Kirby as an air pump and send air to the bottom of the pool through a garden hose so we could see who could stay under the water the longest. I don’t remember what the record was, but I do remember sitting at the bottom of the pool handing the “air hose” back and forth so we could breathe.

Then there was high school…and then Perry…and then the proving grounds. How many people have played Pente on a cutting board with washers? Or farted in a jar and talked people into guessing what was last in it? I could go on but won’t.

I guess the point to all of this is that you always make life fun and for that I thank you. Have a fantastic birthday. I love you.


Kate Tracy - Daughter

Happy birthday, Dad!  We love you so much!  Have a wonderful day and the best year yet!

Elena, Logan, Easton

Robert & Amanda Nelsen

Dear Mr. B aka Julia's Papa,

It's very hard to believe that we came into contact with your family 15 years ago!  Your girls were listening to MXP and we had nothing in common.  Then the Lord said... you will be the very best of friends.  And there we were.  As Amy and I grew, with Kate and Allison by our sides, oh the fun we had: Inland Waterways, tubing at Lake O, Fine Arts trips,  and so much more!!

Yet another phase began as we all started to get married.  It's hard to believe that this summer Amy and Andrew will both have their weddings to amazing people and 5 of the 6 of us with be married!  Of course the best part of the marriages were and are the many, beautiful grandchildren :)  And they came on fast!

Through all these phases you were there.  Steady and true.  Whether you were Kate's Dad, Mr. B, the owner of Mr. B's mechanic shop, or Julia's Papa.  You were there smiling all the way.  Thank you. 

Have a blessed 60th birthday!!


Robert, Amanda, Madelynn and Luke Nelsen

Lorrie Bowden

Dear Tim,

No joke, no kidding about this milestone birthday of yours, I am right behind you!

When I think of you, I see you as the most resourceful and productive person I know . . . next to my dad!  You are always doing, making or building something for somebody.  You always can figure a way to make it work!  Though you're always busy, you've never been too busy for your children.  You have never been too tired to take the masses out in the boat for a ride, skiing, or tubing, and at times never getting in the water yourself!  Not to mention all the money for gas!  You are a true example of selflessness!

When Steve and I had Lucian, we had to give him your name as his middle name.  And now, his little Dylan has your name too.

I remember having you and Tracy over for dinner one evening after we had had Adam.  We were nervous as we were about to ask you both a very important question.  We wanted to be assured that if anything happened to us, that our kids would be taken care of.  You both quickly replied - "We would love to do that!"  We were so honored that you never hesitated but were so willing to take on the responsibility if need be.

Though many years have passed since then and many miles have separated us, our times together are always rich with you in fun, laughter and kindheartedness.

Timothy James, I wish you a wonderful birthday and I hope you feel truly honored on your day.  I pray you will be blessed beyond measure in every area of your life with many, many more years to come.

I love you and celebrate you!


Kelly Kiel - Niece

Uncle Tim,

Happy 60th Birthday!  What an awesome milestone you've reached!  On this special day, I hope you know how much you are loved! 

Thank you for always being such a great uncle!  I have so many great memories of you that I can't even begin to relay them all!  I can honestly say that you are the reason I have so many fond childhood memories from Lake Odessa.  You were always so willing to spend hours dragging all of us kids around the lake on your boat.  I know that there were probably times when you weren't too excited about it and would rather have spent time with the adults, but you always did it with a cheerful heart.  As an adult now, I realize what it must have cost you to constantly be pumping gas into that boat, so that we could all have a good time.  Thank you for your generous spirit!

Eric & Kellie's Boys - Zion & Levi
One funny memory I have happened when Kate and I were around 11 or 12 years old.  We had hidden in the cabin of the boat and rode all the way to the boat ramp.  You took the boat out of the lake and pulled it all the way back to the cottage without knowing we were hiding back there.  We thought we were going to be in so much trouble when you discovered us, but you just shook your head, let out a big sigh with a half-smile, and told us to get out.  I was so relieved!  Looking back now, I realize how much patience you had with us kids, even when we did stupid things!  
Thank you so much for the kindness you always showed all of us kids.  I know that I always felt very comfortable on your boat, and never was worried that you would be mad if we got it dirty or wet.  We could just have a good time and not be worried about anything else.  I don't think I noticed those things when I was younger, but I do now, and I am so grateful to you.  I will always remember staying for weeks on end at your house during the summer.  I can't believe you never got sick of having another kid around!

Thank you for your gentle spirit, your kindness, and being so self-sacrificing!  You truly are a great man!

Today, it is my prayer that you would be richly blessed in the same way that you have blessed so many others!  I pray for His strength, peace, joy, health, and prosperity to be yours, and I pray that you have many, many more great years ahead of you! 

"May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace."   Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)

I love you, Uncle Tim!


Allison Pinckney - Daughter

As I read through these posts, I am filled with pride. I am reminded of stories I’ve heard over and over about your growing up and wish that I had been there to witness them myself. Then I think of how proud I am that you’re my dad. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Because of the life you have lived, you are responsible for my own personal morals, my goals and dreams (which keep getting bigger and bigger!). When I think of you I don’t just think of distant memories but I am inspired to do and become more. Life is a beautiful thing and you have taught me that. I cherish your ability to enjoy life. My life has never, ever been boring with you. When I think of you I am inspired to be happy. When I think of you I am forced to re-evaluate my priorities in life. You have truly given me life in the fullest sense of the meaning.

The relationships you have with your own family and friends have taught me the importance of connections. We live to share life and experiences with others. You have connected me to many important people. I have watched your finesse in conversation and the humor you bring. I hope to be more like you in that.

Your life is an example of joy and optimism. I have rarely heard you say the word NO. If it is an idea or a request, you will figure out a way to do it. If it is broken, you will figure out how to fix it. I have watched you sacrifice your comforts over and over for your family. Your love for mom blows me away. Because of you I understand my value as a woman, a wife, and a mother. And now my children hold you as one of  the dearest people to their own hearts. I can’t describe the feelings I have when I watch my children love you as I love you. I am so excited to watch this new generation grow and experience life with the wonderful person they know as Papa, as well as many others who will enjoy life with you.
Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do. May you have the best year yet. Happy birthday, Dad!!

Love, Allison

Steve Bowden - Brother

I'm flat on my back on the floor, arms pinned at the elbows by your knees, a huge wad is floating down towards my face and then sucked back up to your mouth.  This, without a doubt, is one of my earliest memories of you, Tim.

Then another very fond memory is when I was about 15 years old.  You had bought an old mail truck and converted it into a camper.  I don't know how we got mom and dad's permission, but you, Becky and I ventured out on a two-week trip to the west coast.  It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one I will never forget.

As we got older, you have always been an inspiration to me of the "never give up" attitude.  As my big brother, I have looked up to you and seen you walk the talk spiritually, without being "religious" about it.  I have great respect for you and pray that this milestone birthday is one of your best.

One more memory I need to remind you about.  The summer after your 50th birthday, we had the joy of boating with you to Lake Michigan.  The kids all wanted to run to the top of a sand dune and of course you and I were right with them.  When we were huffing and puffing a bit, the kids were calling you an old man.  I will never forget your response to them: "after your 50th, we'll come back here and see how well you do climbing the dunes!"  Even at 60, I don't think I could keep up with you even now!

God bless you, Tim.  It is a joy and an honor to be your little brother!


Tim & Lynn Covert

Dear Tim,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the great times we have had together over the last 15 years of serving the Lord together, the many times that you helped us on a personal level and countless wonderful days of fun and laughter.  We pray that God will give you many more years of blessings on every level.  God Bless and Happy 60th Birthday!
Tim & Lynn Covert

Lisa Felten - First Niece

To my Dear Uncle Tim,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You are the youngest looking 60-year-old and definitely still a delightful kid at heart.
You have created so many fun memories for me, as well as earned such utmost respect as I ponder what an amazing Man of GOD you are.
I am very thankful for your love for God, for family and others. I appreciate your giving heart and your desire to always make the most of every moment, including the exhilaration you have created during tubing, intense hearts games and joining in on talking smack ;) during competitive "Hearts" games. 
Thanks for always putting a smile on my face each time I think about you... My incredible Uncle Tim!
I deeply value you and the deposits you've added into my adrenaline memoirs.
You are LOVED, CHERISHED, ADMIRED and a DEEPLY favored Uncle of mine.

I love you, Uncle TIM. 
May this year bring insane amounts of Blessings to you and my beloved Aunt Tracy.


Jason Roher

Uncle Tim,

Where do I start?  Perhaps it is the trip to the Carolinas where you and my father-in-law bought the America t-shirts and did the infamous salute.  Maybe it’s saving the drunken sailor in Jordan Lake only to be cussed out by him the following summer.  It could be the gentle prayers for people dealing with difficult situations.  The point is you are a fun-loving guy who is willing to help anyone at anytime.

Happy 60th Birthday!  When I look at you, I see a man that loves to have fun but more importantly, a man who loves his family.  I see a man that would give you the shirt off his back.  I see a man who reads, truly understands and applies love your neighbor as yourself.  I see a man that gives his all to help a cause, one who does things not for his own glory but to glorify God.

There are certainly the boat rides in the summertime and the late night games at the lake that are a lot of fun.  I remember a day when Ryan Nemeth, Andrew and I initiated a three-man tube and it seemed like we went for hours.  Oh what fun!  We’ve all spent many a night playing Euchre, Texas, Hearts until 5 or 6 the following morning.  The memories are priceless.

It has been said that the greatest form of flattery is imitation.  My goal is to imitate you in the way you love your family and demonstrate God’s love to other people.  Hope your birthday returns all the love and joy you’ve given to others.

Happy Birthday and God Bless!
